YoTrip-Words and Thoughts

A place and space for me to express my thoughts

Archive for the tag “Arts”

Tuesday Thoughts by YoTrip for July 12, 2011-Just Four Things (Vol.4, Iss.2)

In your embrace... Poster

Image via Wikipedia

Just Four Things






Tuesday Thoughts by YoTrip for May 17, 2011-Words and Thoughts of Thanks (Vol.2, Iss.3)

Writing journal


I am truly humbled and equally honored to have been named by The Orlando Renaissance Writer’s Guild, Inc. as the 2011 “Writer of the Year”. To be recognized for writing and sharing words, thoughts and inspiration with people let’s me know I am making a difference.

Writing is like the air I breathe, I thank God for the gift. Since my childhood, I have had a pen in my hand writing on paper, walls, and any place I could scribble or scribe. Over the years, I have been blessed to write for fun,  for show, and write for work.  I want to thank God for the gift of writing it is a blessing that I do not take lightly or for granted. I thank  my family for their encouragement and also for being a point of reference.

The faithful readers of my blogs are to be thanked for taking time to read my Words and Thoughts, you are the meter of measure that keeps me working for the masses. Special thanks to the members of The Orlando Renaissance Writer’s Guild,Inc.  for being a great resource, a great refuge, and a great frame of reference. Gathering as a group with the members of the Orlando Renaissance Writer’s Guild,Inc. and being a support drives me to reach for higher heights in my writing.

Let me offer to each of you to write your story, your family’s story or any story that impacts you to inspire others. Thank you all for being who you are and helping me celebrate writing, literacy, and those who have a love for the written word. Write on, write on, write on! ~~YoTrip

“Soaring Towards Heaven in 2011″
The Sky is Limitless

Orlando Renaissance Writer’s Guild, Inc.
2011 *”Writer of The Year”*
Posted from WordPress for Android

Thursday Thinking by YoTrip for April 28,2011-Salute to the Poet (Vol.4,Iss.4)

The 2006 State Champions of the Poetry Out Lou...

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Salute to the Poet

As the month of April and the celebration of National Poetry Month comes to an end. I feel it is fitting to celebrate the POET, the genius behind the mixology of words.

Salute to the Poet




















POET so many words to describe you, yet not enough words to really truly speak to the essence of who you really are inside and out. Keep thinking, keep creating, keep writing, keep reciting, keep sharing with the world.



Thursday Thinking by YoTrip for April 14,2011-The Poet In You (Vol.4,Iss.2)

Cover of "The Poet in You"

Cover of The Poet in You


The Poet In You

April is National Poetry Month. Since 1996, this country has tipped its hat and took a month to recognize the artistic expression of poetry. Born out of the success of  Black History and Women’s History month, National Poetry month has comfortably taken its place among the celebrated with ease and has been embraced by lovers of  words.

During National Poetry month, not only is the craft honored by the Acadmey of American Poets, but those who have become known as masters of the craft. The master poet, is an individual who embodies the way words intertwine and makes them come alive on the pages.

The master poet has always risen to the occasion throughout time. At each interval, you see the poet expressing themselves and sharing with the world around them. In conjunction with National Poetry Month, there is the The 30/30 Challenge which requires each participating poet to write at least one poem EVERY DAY in the month of April.

Poets like Phyllis Wheatley, Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Langston Hughes, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, William Wordsworth and William Shakespeare all shaped my love for poetry from a young age as I was prompted to read their work for class assignments. I love the old language and how these poets wrapped themselves in their poems. As I grow older and I moved from a reader to a writer of poetry, I expanded my list of poets to include the contemporary poets. My favorite contemporary poets included Maya Angelou, Rita Dove, Nikki Giovanni, Sonia Sanchez, Ntozake Shange liberated my poetic thinking.

The new age of poetic expressions celebrate poets who are performance artist is poetry that is specifically composed for or during a performance before an audience. During the 1980s, the term came into popular usage to describe poetry written or composed for performance rather than print distribution. The multi-talented Jill Scott was birthed out of the performance art movement in the ’90’s. Ms. Scott opened the door for the likes of Erykah Badu, India Arie, and others who blended powerful words with music.

Today’s poets are an eclectic blend of traditional, contemporary,modern and  the Spoken Word artist. The poet who hones the craft in the spoken word world, is free-thinking, unconventional,  and speaks to their life experiences in their mastery of words. This art of spoken word takes you to the intimate thoughts of the artist.

Recently I was introduced to an impassioned, influential, and inspiring spoken word artist, Autumn Blaze. I was so caught up in her delivery and presence.  Autumn Blaze is the epitome of her name: the season of cool, crisp air, the trees bloom the earth tones of honey mustard, carmel browns, rustic reds, and grand greens the backdrop of the surroundings is Autumn. Warm, swift, overarching she ignites like a Blaze, and burns onto your spirit.

When Autumn Blaze is at the mic she takes you on a journey that is raw, real, and relevant. “I had to snap today, excuse me y’all I had to snap today” or “Why does he keep making a fool out of me without telling me why?” and my favorite, “caught up in this exasperating cycle with you and all I can say is whew!” These phrases were a few I was able to scribble on a napkin while listening to the host of SOUL FOOD on Wednesday’s at Chef Eddie’s in Orlando. Along with Autumn Blaze there are a group of  talented artist and musicians who are doing their part to entertain and empower those who see the  beauty of poetic expression.

Is there a poet in you?

“Soaring Towards Heaven in 2011”
The sky is limitless…
Posted from WordPress for Android

Thursday Thinking by YoTrip for January 27, 2011-Are you Challenging Life or is Life Challenging you? (Vol.1, Iss.4)

“Are you Challenging Life or is Life Challenging you?
“The world is falling down around you. This is the place where so many currently reside aimlessly desiring an EVICTION NOTICE. I challenge you to push up and out.” 9/24/08 ~~YoTrip“Narrow is the road of things deemed too hard or difficult, few take the challenge to travel that path. Decide that you will be a trailblazer.” 12/23/08 ~~YoTrip“Soaring Towards Heaven In 2011″
The Sky Is Limitless…

Yolanda Clay Triplett

Follow me on Twitter:@yotrip729
Find me on Facebook: facebook.com/yolanda.c.triplett

“Words the joyful noise of my
mouth, sweet sounds to my ears.The
results of a love affair between
pen and paper, words”

Life has a way of being challenging for all who are living it. The challenges presented can be large or small, good or bad, uplifting or down-trodding, pushing or pulling when it lands on your doorstep. Challenges do not always send a calling card, show up nice and tidy, or are what you are expecting. When challenges come you make a decision about how to handle them or the challenges make a decision about how to handle you. Are you challenging life or is life challenging you?


When life’s challenges come front center to you, it forces you to decide which path to take. You can choose to let the challenge consume you and take control of your life. Or you can choose evaluate the situation and determine it a temporary station on your journey and you will get past it, go over it, move through it to get to your destination. Life’s challenges will come to you but they cannot be your center.

You can choose to challenge life in such a way that you handle it and the elements it brings. When you know what you want, where you are going and how you plan on getting there, you challenge life. Your outlook on life has to be that you cannot always control the challenges but you are not fearful of facing them. By challenging life you stay ready and open to moving forward.

So when faced with a challenge in life take the time and determine: Are you challenging life or is life challenging you?



 ****Join the Orlando Renaissance  Writers Guild for the Zora Neale Hurston Festival January 28th-30th in historic Eatonville, Florida. The Writer Guild is sponsoring a Multi-Cultural College Day for Poetry and Spoken Word on Friday, January 28th, go to www.ZoraFestival.com for details.****

YoTrip-Words and Thoughts for Monday, January 24, 2011-JOIN (Vol.1, Iss.10)

Join Tower

Image via Wikipedia

JOIN a movement connected to a cause that drives your passion. When you feel good about what you do,it shows in the things you output to the world.” 1/24/11 ~~YoTrip
Motivational Monday-Settling for less than the best should not be an option in your plans. Keep striving for greatness.
Please continue to keep Haiti, Chile, the Gulf Region, and all areas impacted by destruction and disaster in your thoughts and prayers. Give to http://www.newmissions.org/
Write your Story. Join the Orlando Renaissance Writers Guild.
http://www.orwriters.org/. Purchase a copy of the collaborative book an “ANTHOLOGY” at the listed website.
****Join the Orlando Renaissance Writers Guild for the Zora Neale Hurston Festival January 28th-30th in historic Eatonville, Florida. The Writer Guild is sponsoring a Multi-Cultural College Day for Poetry and Spoken Word on Friday, January 28th, go to www.ZoraFestival.com for details.****


“Soaring Towards Heaven In 2011″
The Sky Is Limitless…

Yolanda Clay Triplett

Follow me on Twitter:@yotrip729
Find me on Facebook: facebook.com/yolanda.c.triplett
“Words the joyful noise of my
mouth, sweet sounds to my ears.The
results of a love affair between
pen and paper, words”

YoTrip-Words and Thoughts for Friday, January 21, 2011-IMPACT (Vol.1, Iss.9)

Team Impact

Image via Wikipedia

IMPACT your world by leaving a lasting impression on those you encounter.” 1/21/11 ~~YoTrip
Fantastic Friday-Make the day count by giving the best you have to offer.
Please continue to keep Haiti, Chile, the Gulf Region, and all areas impacted by destruction and disaster in your thoughts and prayers. Give to http://www.newmissions.org/
Write your Story. Join the Orlando Renaissance Writers Guild.
http://www.orwriters.org/. Purchase a copy of the collaborative book an “ANTHOLOGY” at the listed website.
****Join the Orlando Renaissance Writers Guild for the Zora Neale Hurston Festival January 28th-30th in historic Eatonville, Florida. The Writer Guild is sponsoring a Multi-Cultural College Day for Poetry and Spoken Word on Friday, January 28th, go to www.ZoraFestival.com for details.****


“Soaring Towards Heaven In 2011″
The Sky Is Limitless…

Yolanda Clay Triplett
Follow me on Twitter:@yotrip729
Find me on Facebook: facebook.com/yolanda.c.triplett
“Words the joyful noise of my
mouth, sweet sounds to my ears.The
results of a love affair between
pen and paper, words”

YoTrip-Words and Thoughts for Wednesday, January 19, 2011-HEALING (Vol.1, Iss.8)

Sign marker for the Town Hall in Eatonville, F...

Image via Wikipedia

HEALING of the head, the heart, and the spirit starts from the inside out. Your thoughts, your feelings, and your soul work best when they are in great working order.” 1/19/11 ~~YoTrip

Wisdom Wednesday-Knowing what you know are the life experiences that help you grow.
Please continue to keep Haiti, Chile, the Gulf Region, and all areas impacted by destruction and disaster in your thoughts and prayers. Give to http://www.newmissions.org/
Write your Story. Join the Orlando Renaissance Writers Guild.
http://www.orwriters.org/. Purchase a copy of the collaborative book an “ANTHOLOGY” at the listed website.
****Join the Orlando Renaissance Writers Guild for the Zora Neale Hurston Festival January 28th-30th in historic Eatonville, Florida. The Writer Guild is sponsoring a Multi-Cultural College Day for Poetry and Spoken on Friday, January 28th, go to www.ZoraFestival.com for details.****

“Soaring Towards Heaven In 2011″
The Sky Is Limitless…

Yolanda Clay Triplett
Follow me on Twitter:@yotrip729
Find me on Facebook: facebook.com/yolanda.c.triplett
“Words the joyful noise of my
mouth, sweet sounds to my ears.The
results of a love affair between
pen and paper, words”

YoTrip-Words and Thoughts for Friday, January 14,2011-FOLLOW-UP (Vol.1, Iss.6)

Zora Neale Hurston was a prominent literary fi...

Image via Wikipedia

FOLLOW-UP on your goals to accomplish your hopes and dreams. You must first be accountable to yourself before you can be accountable to others.” 1/14/11 ~~YoTrip
Fantastic Friday- Nothing better than a long weekend to makeup for a long week! Enjoy the holiday and remember to give back…
Please continue to keep Haiti, Chile, the Gulf Region, and all areas impacted by destruction and disaster in your thoughts and prayers. Give to http://www.newmissions.org/
Write your Story. Join the Orlando Renaissance Writers Guild.
http://www.orwriters.org/. Purchase a copy of the collaborative book an “ANTHOLOGY at the listed website.
****Join the Orlando Renaissance Writers Guild for the Zora Neale Hurston Festival January 28th-30th in historic Eatonville, Florida. The Writer Guild is sponsoring a Multi-Cultural College Day for Poetry and Spoken on Friday, January 28th, go to www.ZoraFestival.com for details.****
“Soaring Towards Heaven In 2011″
The Sky Is Limitless…







Yolanda Clay Triplett
Follow me on Twitter:@yotrip729
Find me on Facebook: facebook.com/yolanda.c.triplett
“Words the joyful noise of my
mouth, sweet sounds to my ears.The
results of a love affair between
pen and paper, words”

YoTrip-Words and Thoughts for Monday, November 29, 2010-NESCIENCE (Vol.11, Iss.13)

Ladder of Knowledge

Definition of NESCIENCE

Nescience– lack of knowledge or awareness : ignorance — ne·scient\-sh(ē-)ənt, -sē-ənt\ adjective


Nescience can keep you from reaching the next level of success in life. A desire to know is a stepping stone to reaching your goals.” 11/29/10 ~~YoTrip

 Motivational Monday– Life is full of peaks and valleys, take a positive outlook on how you will handle your encounters with them.

November is American Diabetes Month please visit this site to find out more information. http://www.diabetes.org/

National Novel Writing MonthNaNo http://www.nanowrimo.org commit to writing your book in the month of November. Visit the National Novel Writing Month site for details.

Keep the people of HAITI, CHILE, the GULF REGION, AND TENNESSEE in your thoughts and prayers. Give to http://www.newmissions.org/ Please visit my blog: http://www.yotrip.wordpress.com and http://www.yotrip-wordsandthoughts.blogspot.com and enjoy previous posts. I would love to hear your feedback on your favorite posts. Thanks for your support.

Write your Story. Join the Orlando Renaissance Writers Guild. http://www.orwriters.org/. Purchase a copy of the collaborative book an “ANTHOLOGY” .

“A.I.M. To Win In 2010”

 Aspire, Inspire, Motivate Yolanda Clay Triplett “YoTrip”



“Words the joyful noise of my mouth,

sweet sounds to my ears.

The results of a love affair between pen and paper, words”

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