YoTrip-Words and Thoughts

A place and space for me to express my thoughts

Thursday Thinking by YoTrip for June 9, 2011-FOCUS (Vol.6, Iss.2)

Focus 8

Image via Wikipedia


 FOCUS is a concept that at some point in life everyone is asked to exercise their ability and capacity to perform. In order to FOCUS one must be aware of what it means to FOCUS.

Focus is defined as a center of activity, attraction, or attention.  A point of concentration.  A state or condition permitting clear perception or understanding.  directed attention : emphasis


The definition of FOCUS speaks to centering, attention, a point of concentration, clear perception, understanding, and emphasis. The definition of  FOCUS presents actions that are required to take place in order for FOCUS to be achieved. In order to FOCUS you must think centrally, pay attention, have a point of concentration, be clear in your perception, and have an understanding and emphasis on your attention.

Here are a few questions for you to ponder and consider: Are you able to FOCUS? Can you FOCUS? What makes you FOCUS? Who makes you FOCUS? How do you FOCUS? Where is your FOCUS? When do you FOCUS?

As I wrote the questions above, I have to say that this post begin to scream so loudly as a whisper in my ear. I have come to learn that sometimes we have to realize when we have lost FOCUS. At the same time we  have to embrace that what we are saying or writing is not just for the masses.The who, the what, the where, the how and the when of FOCUS is staring….at me!

Now that I have identified MY need to FOCUS, I have two options to consider: I can sit here and continue in a state of scattering (pulled in to many directions) and lacking FOCUS or I can slow down and gain a renewed sense of FOCUS. The state of scattering and lacking FOCUS is not yielding me the positive results. Slowing  down and renewing my sense of FOCUS is going to require me to remove the people, places and possessions that can or are blocking my FOCUS.

Gaining or renewing FOCUS like anything you seek to do is a process. There is no magic light that will flip on my FOCUS back in line. FOCUS can only be achieved when the work is put in to make FOCUS central, clear, direct, a point of concentration,understood and  it is given a place of emphasis. In other words FOCUS has to become  my FOCUS in order for FOCUS to be effective. To help in my effort I view FOCUS in this way.

Facilitate and seek

Opportunities as a means to

Concentrate on

Utilizing my talents to

Significantly renew my direction….FOCUS

Thanks to Faith and Alema for helping me recognize I can be empowered when I learn to FOCUS

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