YoTrip-Words and Thoughts

A place and space for me to express my thoughts

Archive for the month “January, 2015”

Celebrate The 8 in 2015

Finally finished this post on the need to decide to live and celebrate the eight!

YoTrip-Words and Thoughts

****note it too me a few days to complete this post ****

We are Eight days into the Year of 2015. Are you embracing the New Year with a joyous and positive mindset? The number 8 is symbolic of, “new beginnings” in our life. Today I used the number 8 to help show someone that no matter what happens we were given this day and this year to live. I say this year because 2+0+1+5=8 and that equals “new beginnings”.

The beginning of the year is a time when people inspect and reflect on where they are and where they want to be in life. Let me encourage you, as you celebrate the 8, it is time for you to decide to live. Just a few days ago I had to bring this concept home to someone who was internalizing things that was causing them undo distress. I had to…

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Celebrate The 8 in 2015

****note it took me a few days to complete this post ****

We are Eight days into the Year of 2015. Are you embracing the New Year with a joyous and positive mindset? The number 8 is symbolic of, “new beginnings” in our life. Today I used the number 8 to help show someone that no matter what happens we were given this day and this year to live. I say this year because 2+0+1+5=8 and that equals “new beginnings”.

The beginning of the year is a time when people inspect and reflect on where they are and where they want to be in life. Let me encourage you, as you celebrate the 8, it is time for you to decide to live. Just a few days ago I had to bring this concept home to someone who was internalizing things that was causing them undo distress. I had to explain that he was not bleeding or on fire so he was granted a gift of life. I further explained that since he was here on earth this day it was his duty to live life. I asked him to affirmatively speak these words, “today I decide to live life!” Let go of the things you cannot control and embrace what is in front of you…this moment…this minute…right now, the eight…your new beginnings!

At that point I had to show him what he needed to envision and that was the power of the eight. I took to the whiteboard and commenced to draw the number eight going from the left swinging downward to the right circling upward to the left and the coming upward to the right to complete the number. Then I began to draw from the right side, swinging downward to the left and coming upward to the right, to complete the number. The number eight has the numerical distinction of being contiguous. It is the same right side up or upside down. It crosses at it middle and is the epitome of infinity.

I liken the number eight to our lives, it starts at birth (our beginning) and we journey up and down the pathways, up the hills and down into the valley. When we reach the mid points in the eight, we can decide to journey backward in reflection of our past or go forward in expectation of our future, it is all still connected. The contiguous makeup of the number eight allows us to start over again, and again, and again, and again with each new day!

Let me challenge you to celebrate the eight by affirming “today I decide to live!” Now go and make a fresh start to this new beginning in the Year of 2015!

~YoTrip 1/14/15

2015 The Year Of S.E.L.F.


2015 The Year Of S.E.L.F.

New Year Happy Everyone

Thank you Lord God for the opportunity to see another year. Over the past several years I have added a tagline that connects me to the coming year. I also seek to present a creative phrase that will catch fire in the hearts, minds and spirits of those reading it!
My new tagline for this year is: 2015 The Year of S.E.L.F.
“Significantly Empowered Living Focused”

When I asked the Lord for direction and a theme, I thought what did I want to project and promote in this year? I knew I never wanted it to be so much about me, but always looking at ways to impact others. Then I wrote down “2015 The Year Of…” Nothing was coming to me, so I left this line waiting for an inspiring word or phrase to follow. After a few days of musing over the Christmas holiday, the word SELF settled into my spirit. I was not sure why I was directed to the word SELF, but it caused my mind to get to working on Words and Thoughts for the coming year.

I always strive to take words and and give them fresh perspective in the eyes of those reading them. When you think of SELF what immediately comes to your mind? Thinking of me only, know one else matters, first and foremost me. These are a few of my thoughts on SELF. I began to develop an acronym for the word SELF.

The SELF I wanted to project and promote would be of inspiring, impacting and influence positivity in others for this year and beyond.

S is for Significantly. Decide to be Significant in 2015. What does that mean? Have meaning, importance and purpose in your pursuits. Make what you do matter on a deeper level this year. “Most people seek to be successful, I chose to be significant, everyday making a difference in the lives of others.” YoTrip

E is for Empowered. Be Empowered in 2015. Take the reigns and make things happen. Give yourself permission to get things done this year. There is strength to be found in taking control and tapping into your inner power source to get you to the next level.

L is for Living. You are given the gift of a daily dose of breath, use it to the fullest. In 2015, make your life about living better. Get up off your assets and go beyond the space and place of comfort. Be open and live this thing called life!

F is for Focused. Do you know that it all starts in the mind? Your thoughts produce what you see, smell, hear, taste and touch. In 2015, let your focus be in a forward direction. First think about what you want then keep your mind centered. Faithfully believe you will achieve what you desire.

So now here is your Call To Action: Get pass the moment (the New Year) and connect to the movement. Decide to be your S.E.L.F. in 2015. It is one of my goals to be my very best S.E.L.F. in 2015.

Stop right now and shout:
2015 The Year Of S.E.L.F.
“Significantly Empowered Living Focused”

~YoTrip 2015

2015 The Year of S.E.L.F.
“Significantly Empowered Living Focused”

Yolanda “YoTrip” Triplett
Words and Thoughts Artist


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Find me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/yolanda.c.triplett  
or http://www.facebook.com/YoTrip 

“Words the joyful noise of my mouth, sweet sounds to my ears.
The results of a love affair between pen and paper, words” 

Copyright © 2014 YoTrip-Words and Thoughts

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