YoTrip-Words and Thoughts

A place and space for me to express my thoughts

Archive for the tag “Motivation”

Tuesday Thoughts by YoTrip for August 30, 2011-PURPOSE (Vol.5., Iss.3)

A project maked with a purpose to think about ...

Image via Wikipedia

PEOPLE, oh people as I pause on the path to a place called PURPOSE, I position my perception to preview the palace I am pursuing with passion. Probable becomes possible when we prevail in persistence toward the present. In other words, when we are moving toward some set goal or that thing that drives our inner self once we see it, then we are destined to achieve it.” 1/25/2010  –YoTrip

WALK with authority as you take the needed steps to fulfill your purpose. Your steps must be ordered and work according to your plan.”10/17/10 ~~YoTrip

“POSSESS a PASSION that puts you in PURSUIT of your PURPOSE.” 8/2/2010


pur·pos·es   plural
1. reason for existence: the reason for which something exists or for which it has been done or made
“the purpose of life
2. desired effect: the goal or intended outcome of something
“The purpose of the law is to control pollution.”
3. determination: the desire or the resolve necessary to accomplish a goal
“You need to act with purpose.”
 Content above provided by

Encarta® World English Dictionary[North American Edition] © & (P) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc


  • What is your purpose? You must recognize and realize there is a reason for your being here on earth for such a time as this. Have you identified your purpose?
  • Where is your purpose? In your head, your heart or your hip pocket. Is it with you in your actions and activities?
  • Can your purpose be seen in who you project to the world? Would you say you are self-confident in what you are pursuing for yourself.
  • How do you view your purpose? Is your purpose open with endless possibilities or do you on see no further than where you are currently stationed?

Purpose speaks to the “why” in your life: Why are you here? Why are you doing this or doing that?

Purpose is connected to goals and outcomes: You made it, you did it, you finished or completed a task or assignment.

Purpose requires you to see it and feel it before your obtain or acquire it: Activate your vision and move your purpose forward

Once you know your purpose it is up to you to take the steps to stay on your path to reach your goals. When you are operating in your purpose it becomes how you seek to make things happen.

Decide to be persistent in your plan to find your purpose.

Be passionate about your purpose, let it be a driver in your way of living.

Be positive in your purpose, always see the best of what can be in your living

Be patient with your purpose, it may not be revealed to you immediately, give your purpose time to evolve.


Thursday Thinking by YoTrip for March 31, 2011-Bill’s Story Could Be Your Story -The Invisibles continued (Vol.3, Iss.3)

Flickr - …trialsanderrors - The Roads to Heave...

Image via Wikipedia

Bob, Brad, or Bill could be his name but how would you know, you are so consumed with his appearance you never consider he is a human being, just like you.Sure Bill is unkempt, in need of a long hot shower,haircut, and shave, but these are luxuries to somone struggling to survive on the streets.

Bill is posted on the block and within the box made of broken blue lines on the cobbled concrete. While standing inside the box Bill can legally ask for a handout from those passing by his space.

Bill was not always relegated to a box on the block. The downturn in the economy, an injury that seems to linger and a series of losses job, family, house took away life as he knew it.

Bill was a homeowner, a husband, and a hard worker living a good life.  Currently  Bill is homeless,  separated from his family, and humbled by his new existence.  In an instant his status changed and he began a downward spiral to living life on the streets. Bill’s place, his new home, is where he walked many days yet he never imagined this would be his story.

Bill’s story is as common as the winds that swirl and quickly change. There are so many “Bill’s” out there who are trying to figure out how to make it and survive day-to-day. Be aware that in an instant Bill’s story can become your story…

“Soaring Towards Heaven in 2011″
The Sky is Limitless
Posted from WordPress for Android

YoTrip-Words and Thoughts for Monday, December 27, 2010-HOW WAS MY AIM? (Vol.12, Iss.12)

AOL Instant Messenger

Image via Wikipedia

The year 2010 is quickly marching toward a close. Now is a great time to evaluate the past and prepare for the pending future. As we look to start 2011, I ponder the question: How was my AIM in 2010? Did I reach the goals that were set? I wished to ASPIRE personally and professionally. I sought to INSPIRE others by sharing my gifts. I hoped to MOTIVATE the masses to be their best self. There are four more days left let’s see what more we can accomplish!
(Re-posted from Monday, December 28, 2009)
Determined to define my outlook for the coming year, I have decided to take a three-pronged approach to my 2010 tag line.
A.I.M. To Win in 2010
AIM is defined- To intend or direct for a particular effect or purpose, to strive for a goal. 
When I think of AIM I am lead to focus on the target or goal that is ahead of me. I thought that AIM needed legs (words) that will constantly make me remember and focus on it. For me AIM now means to: AAspire, IInspire, MMotivate
Aspire is defined-To long, aim, or seek ambitiously; be eagerly desirous, esp. for something great or of high value. To have a great ambition or ultimate goal; desire strongly.
In 2010, I will continue to seek to ASPIRE to higher heights in my personal and professional growth and development.
Inspire is defined-To fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence. To fill or affect with a specified feeling, thought to influence or impel.


In 2010, I will continue to INSPIRE by sharing my gifts with others with the hope that significance is achieved.

Motivate is defined-To provide with an incentive; move to action; impel.
In 2010, I will continue to MOTIVATE and push those in my sphere of influence to be their best self.
A.I.M., is a simplistic approach to a winning formula for 2010. A.I.M is personal (for me), is communal (for us), and is essential. I believe with prayer, determination, focus and a spirit of perseverance A.I.M. is possible!
I am interested in your feedback, please share your thoughts before 2009 expires.
Thanks for being you, it does make a difference!
“A Positive State of Mind 2009”


“A.I.M. To Win In 2010”
Aspire, Inspire, Motivate

Yolanda Clay Triplett

“Words the joyful noise of my
mouth, sweet sounds to my ears.The
results of a love affair between
pen and paper, words”

Thursday Thinking by YoTrip for December 16, 2010-OWN IT! (Vol.7, Iss.3)

Canada's Scott Fleming kicks a goal from long ...

Image via Wikipedia


You have arrived at week three of the YOU CAN DO THIS! 30Day Challenge. You are at the halfway point of this 30-Day Challenge and it is time to evaluate your progress. How are doing with your goals? Are you staying on target to rise to the next level? Have you continued to encourage yourself by simply saying, YOU CAN DO THIS! Are you moving the barriers that keep you from achieving your goals? Have you written your goals down? Did you share your goals with someone else? Have you decided to KEEP IT MOVING, no matter what comes you way?

 As you move into this halfway point by now you should have envisioned your goals, embraced your goals, and evolved your goals. When you decide to envision, embrace and evolve your goals you: OWN IT! The goal is yours for the taking and you have to be determined to run with it to the end of its course. You must believe that your goal is yours in order to OWN IT!

 To say that you OWN IT!, means that you have possession of it. In order to have possession, you have to take charge. Are you in charge of your goals? Are you working to make your goals a reality?

Envision your goal and then OWN IT! Everything you dream or desire starts in your mind, and your goals are no different. Once your mind’s eye captures your goal you have taken the first step to OWN IT! Stop right now and see yourself making a goal. Envision that you OWN IT! Envisioning what you want to achieve, and do what it takes to obtain your goal.

 Embrace your goal and OWN IT! To embrace something requires you to grab hold of it. Your goal needs your embrace to work it and KEEP IT MOVING. Are you grabbing a hold of your goals?

Evolve your goal and OWN IT! To evolve means to grow gradually, to move forward, to progress. Your goal will not grow, move or progress if you are not feeding it what it needs. Are you evolving your goals? Are you moving your goals forward? Have you seen progress in achieving your goals?

December and the year 2010 are nearing an end. Your challenge is to use the tools that can help you end this year strong. As you work on the concept of OWN IT!, you must envision your goal, embrace your goal, and evolve your goal to achieve your goal. Just remember to tell yourself: YOU CAN DO THIS!, KEEP IT MOVING! , and OWN IT!  ~~YoTrip


“A.I.M. To Win In 2010”
Aspire, Inspire, Motivate

Yolanda Clay Triplett

“Words the joyful noise of my
mouth, sweet sounds to my ears.The
results of a love affair between
pen and paper, words”

YoTrip-Words and Thoughts for Monday, December 13, 2010-THOUGHTS (Vol.12, Iss.6)


Image by PAPYRARRI via Flickr

THOUGHTS are produced when your mind develops a plan, action, or concept. Everything (good, bad or indifferent) starts in the mind!” 12/13/10 ~~YoTrip
Motivational Monday-Do not let the setbacks of life stop you from getting up and trying again! Setbacks are a setup for your next success.
Keep the people of HAITI, CHILE, the GULF REGION, AND TENNESSEE in your thoughts and prayers. Give to http://www.newmissions.org/
Please visit my blog: http://www.yotrip.wordpress.com and http://www.yotrip-wordsandthoughts.blogspot.com and enjoy previous posts. I would love to hear your feedback on your favorite posts. Thanks for your support.
Write your Story. Join the Orlando
Renaissance Writers Guild. http://www.orwriters.org/. Purchase a copy of the collaborative book an “ANTHOLOGY

“A.I.M. To Win In 2010”
Aspire, Inspire, Motivate

Yolanda Clay Triplett

“Words the joyful noise of my
mouth, sweet sounds to my ears.The
results of a love affair between
pen and paper, words”

Thursday Thinking by YoTrip for December 9, 2010 K.I.M. KEEP IT MOVING (Vol.7, Iss.2)

Keep It Moving

Image by Troy Holden via Flickr

One week ago you were challenged to establish goals and take steps you achieve them before December ends. Where are you? Are you still on track to accomplish your own level of greatness to closeout 2010? Have you continued to tell yourself those four simple words, YOU CAN DO THIS! Did you challenge and stretch yourself to accomplish your goals? Have you started to knock down the barriers to you achieving your goals? Did you write down your goals? Have you shared your goals with someone else? Have you envisioned yourself accomplishing your goals?
If you answered “yes” to one or all of these questions good for you. If you answered “no” to any of these questions do not fret or be discouraged. Now is the time to KEEP IT MOVING! You cannot let what you have not accomplished stop you from continuing to KEEP IT MOVING! Decide to not worry about what you have not accomplished, but what you can accomplish if you KEEP IT MOVING!
So what does it take to KEEP IT MOVING! First, you have to remind yourself that YOU CAN DO THIS! If you believe in your ability to accomplish a goal that is a big step in the right direction. Second, you have to record what you want to accomplish. Write down your goals and put yourself on a timetable, this will help you to KEEP IT MOVING! Finally, you have to repeat what you want to accomplish by sharing your goals with someone else in order to KEEP IT MOVING! When you tell another person what you seek to accomplish, they can hold you accountable and keep you encouraged.
Remember to continue to constantly tell yourself YOU CAN DO THIS! Recognize that all the great things that you can do as you finish 2010 can only happen if you remind yourself of what you want to accomplish. Put yourself on a timetable by writing down the goals you want to achieve. Once you tell yourself YOU CAN DO THIS! and write your goals with an attached timetable, then you need to tell others so they can hold you accountable. In order to accomplish these three steps you have to KEEP IT MOVING!

“A.I.M. To Win In 2010”
Aspire, Inspire, Motivate

Yolanda Clay Triplett

“Words the joyful noise of my
mouth, sweet sounds to my ears.The
results of a love affair between
pen and paper, words”

YoTrip-Words and Thoughts for Friday, September 24, 2010-MOTIVATION (Vol.9,Iss.11)

MOTIVATION moves those who are mission-minded. Get a plan and then move on it!” 9/24/10 ~~YoTrip
Feel Good Friday-The weekend is here,so make it a great one!

Keep the people of HAITI, CHILE, the GULF REGION, AND TENNESSEE in your thoughts and prayers. Give to http://www.newmissions.org/
Please visit my blog: http://www.yotrip.wordpress.com/ and http://www.yotrip-wordsandthoughts.blogspot.com/ and enjoy previous posts. I would love to hear your feedback on your favorite posts. Thanks for your support.
Write your Story. Join the Orlando Renaissance Writers Guild. http://www.orwriters.org/. Purchase your copy of “An Anthology” written by members of the Orlando Renaissance Writers Guild at the listed website.

“A.I.M. To Win In 2010”
Aspire, Inspire, Motivate

Yolanda Clay Triplett

“Words the joyful noise of my
mouth, sweet sounds to my ears.The
results of a love affair between
pen and paper, words”

Thinking Thursday by YoTrip for August 26, 2010-Losing To Gain (Possessions), Part 4 (Vol.3, Iss.4)

Carlin is in my all time top 5 comedians. I'm ...

Image via Wikipedia

Losing To Gain (Possessions), Part 4

Things, stuff, things, stuff and more things and more stuff. Houses, cars,
stocks, bonds, land, and businesses are just a few of the things and stuff that
people own. Lately, it is hard to find people who have not experienced the loss
of possessions. The current economic climate has heightened people’s awareness
of their things, their stuff, and their possessions. The loss of possessions is
the final installment in the series “Losing To Gain”. Losing possessions is an
area that is worth examining a little closer.

Everyone has something or multiple things which are near and dear to their
heart. Let’s face it, if you worked hard for that car, that house, or that
business your ownership is a serious matter. It has been said that anything you
work hard for is well worth fighting for,if the effort was made to obtain it,
then go the extra mile to retain it. Some would say that these days fighting for
your possessions is becoming a routine task. Many people find themselves in a
position of fighting to keep their things, their stuff, their possessions.

It is amazing how losing one thing or one possession has the ability to start a
cycle of loss. Pat and Paul Possessors are a married couple with two children in
private school, living in a home, with two cars and a mini-van. Pat is a Office
Administrator and Paul is a District Sales Manager and both have worked for
their companies for more than 10 years, with solid retirement plans in place.
The Possessors’ take vacations to destinations inside and outside of the
country, several times a year. Pat and Paul are also the owners of a
successful small real estate company. A year ago, Paul was laid off from his
job, the Possessors have seen their lives change drastically. The Possessors
summed up their loss in this way: one car was loss, the children’s private
school attendance was loss, the real estate business loss clients, but most
importantly the family loss a major income stream. The devastation of losing
possessions was difficult for the Possessors, yet they were determined to stay
positive. The possessions were important to the Possessors but they were not
their central focus.

The loss of stuff, things, or possessions should not only be viewed as the end,
but as a beginning. When loss of possessions occurs, the obvious questions of
why and how settle in waiting to find answers. Losing possessions should promote
the notion of living with less. Many people have been forced to not focus on the
things they have loss but to learn to live better with what they have left. So
if you have experienced a loss of possession recently and find yourself whining
and complaining about your things and your stuff, get OVER IT!

Life is far more precious than the POSSESSIONS you surround yourself with,like a
blanket of comfort. Take time and assess your loss and see the blessing in
having your life, your health and your family. Losing to Gain (Possessions) can
best be summed up by the comedic genius of George Carlin. In his stand-up
comedy performance, Mr. Carlin exposes how losing your stuff can easily send you
into a crazy state. *Mr. Carlin (R.I.P.) does use a few choice words in his
delivery but he makes you think abou/t you and your stuff. Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLoge6QzcGY

Losing to Gain (Possessions), Part 4. 8/26/10
“A.I.M. To Win In 2010”
Aspire, Inspire, Motivate

Yolanda Clay Triplett

“Words the joyful noise of my
mouth, sweet sounds to my ears.The
results of a love affair between
pen and paper, words”

YoTrip-Words and Thoughts for Monday, August 23, 2010-TIME and MONEY (Vol.8, Iss.10)

“Your TIME, your DIME it is up to you to spend them both wisely.” 8/22/10

Monday MotivationDETERMINATION is a vehicle driven by the hands of inspiration and motivation!

In Florida, remember to vote tomorrow, Tuesday, August 24th. Exercise your right to have your voice heard.

Keep the people of HAITI, CHILE, the GULF REGION, AND TENNESSEE in your thoughts and prayers. Give to http://www.newmissions.org

Please visit my blog: http://www.yotrip.wordpress.com and http://www.yotrip-wordsandthoughts.blogspot.com and enjoy previous posts. I would love to hear your feedback on your favorite posts. Thanks for your support.

Write your Story. Join the Orlando Renaissance Writers Guild. http://www.orwriters.org/ .Purchase your copy of “An Anthology” written by members of the Orlando Renaissance Writers Guild at the listed website

“A.I.M. To Win In 2010”
Aspire, Inspire, Motivate

Yolanda Clay Triplett

“Words the joyful noise of my
mouth, sweet sounds to my ears.The
results of a love affair between
pen and paper, words”

YoTrip-Words and Thoughts for Monday, July 26, 2010-MOTIVATION (Vol.7, Iss.11)

MOTIVATION is free to all who choose to actively release it into their lives.” 7/26/10

Motivational Monday– Monday shows up for the sole purpose of helping you start the week.

Keep the people of HAITI, CHILE, the GULF REGION, AND TENNESSEE in your thoughts and prayers. Give to http://www.newmissions.org

Please visit my blog: http://www.yotrip.wordpress.com and http://www.yotrip-wordsandthoughts.blogspot.com and enjoy previous posts. I would love to hear your feedback on your favorite posts. Thanks for your support.

Write your Story. Join the Orlando Renaissance Writers Guild. http://www.orwriters.org/ Purchase your copy of “An Anthology” written by members of the Orlando Renaissance Writers Guild at the listed website

“A.I.M. To Win In 2010”
Aspire, Inspire, Motivate

Yolanda Clay Triplett

“Words the joyful noise of my
mouth, sweet sounds to my ears.The
results of a love affair between
pen and paper, words”

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